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  • TA的每日心情

    2016-3-16 08:34
  • 签到天数: 54 天


    发表于 2009-5-19 08:56 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    http://www.woodsmonkey.com/index ... nives&Itemid=55


    Since the demise of Camillus Knives, Ka-Bar has thankfully picked up and re-released several of Ethan Becker's designs.  One of these models is the BK2 Campanion.  I received one in the mail a few days ago, and my first impressions couldn’t be better.  At .25 inches thick, with a blade that's 5.25 inches long, and at 10.5 inches overall, this is a very stout knife.  The grinds are very nice, and the edge came almost shaving sharp.  It’s made from 1095 CRO-VAN steel, which is a proven performer, and the blade is coated with one of the smoothest coatings I have ever felt.  The Grivory scales are surprisingly comfortable.  The sheath on this knife is kydex, it is ambidextrous, and retains the knife very solidly.

    I do not see the knife coming out and being lost, except under extraordinary circumstances.  The sheath has many attachment points, so it should work well with Molle fasteners, or by piggy-backing another knife.  As I hold this knife, I have the undeniable urge to cut, chop and destroy something.  This knife screams to be used.  So, what better way to put a knife to the test than to hit the woods and spend some time running it through its paces.  You can look at it all day long, but it's not until you're on the trail that you can get a good measure of a tool like this that really counts for anything.

    The first thing I wanted to do with this weighty little beast was chop something.  The weight of the knife lends itself very well to this activity.  With it’s teeth bared, the BK2 chops like a small hatchet. I love the extended grip that can be taken, and I chopped through a 4” log in under 1.5 minutes.  The handle was very comfortable during the chopping, and I experienced no hot spots.  The extended grip that can be taken adds considerable power when chopping.  I was amazed at the size of the chunks that I carved from the log.  And to think, this is only a 5.25 inch blade.  What would the 7 inch model or the 9 inch one do?  I can only imagine at this point, but I have a very strong feeling that this entire set is going to end up in my collection.  After I got done chopping through the log, it was time for some batoning.  Once again, the knife excelled at this.  The stock thickness and the strength of the blade make it unstoppable through 4-5” logs.   In a short time I reduced the log to kindling.  Of course, you can't stop with just one.  So, I proceeded with the same process for several logs to make sure that it held up to repeated us in this fashion.  All told, I wasn't disappointed at all with the performance of the BK2, even with a blade only 5.25 inches long.  Knives aren't the usual tool for doing these kinds of chores, but there are times when you have to press them into hard-use action.  It's good to know that you can rely a tool like the BK2 when you have to step outside of the normal range of use it for something more often reserved for an axe.
    The ease with which the knife split this wood, required that I find a more difficult opponent.  That in mind, I headed for some seasoned hard wood. I took the blade directly through the middle of a large knot.  There was no blade flex at all, and no chipping or rolling of the edge. This log's fate was the same as the last--kindling.  With all this nice kindling on hand, I thought a small fire was in order. I did a quick fuzz stick for fun, and then pulled some dry leaves and small sticks together for a tinder bundle.  Next, I pulled some lint off my sock and put that in the center of the bundle.  Several hard strikes of the fire steel and I had a nice flame.  I wanted to test the strength of the blade laterally, so I found an old log from which to harvest some fatwood.  You can usually find some in the center of older pine logs.  I started by pounding around the center in a circle.  After that, I went from the inner part out, to release a chunk.  I could see some decent fatwood, so I started prying. I pounded the knife straight in with strikes to the end of the tang, then pried chunks off until I had exposed the inner core.  During this exercis, I make sure to give the steel a good workout, wresting it from side to side while prying the wood apart.  I wanted to make sure that it held up under the most extreme conditions.  Just like the previous tests I'd already conducted, it sailed through the work with no problems whatsoever.  I could not get the knife to flex before it broke the wood.  Once the inner core was exposed, and after some quick batoning, the fatwood was mine. I had to try it out.
    So, I took a large chunk of the bark and scraped the dry inner side, for tinder. Once I had that tinder, I shaved a small pile of the fatwood.  Once again, a couple hard strikes with the Firesteel and the fatwood burst to flame.  The end of the tang showed no signs of damage, and the Grivory grip scales were fine. I thought the edge might show some dulling from the lateral scraping of the bark, but that was not the case.  The last test I performed was to measure BK2’s bushcrafting abilities. During the night it snowed, which just added to the fun.  I set out to notch and build a little figure four deadfall trap.  This type of deadfall is often called a Paiute deadfall.  I found a rock to use, and then headed for the sticks.  With a bend of the branch and a quick push cut, the wood was mine.  I then notched and shaved the pieces necessary.  The weight of the knife, and the absence of a choil, aided in the ease with which this task was done. I tested the deadfall, made a few fine tuning cuts, and it held perfectly.
    The knife was very easy to use.  Having the blade run right up to the handle, adds great comfort and control.  I never sharpened the knife during the test, and it still shaved paper at the end.  It really was very close to the “out of the box edge”.  I feel this knife represents a very well thought out design.  The shape of the tang end allows for many grip options, which are all comfortable.  The total weight of the knife and sheath is just under 20 ounces. That is well within what I am willing to carry for such a capable tool.  Combined with the BK11, the Becker Necker, and a small multi tool, I think all bases would be nicely covered. This is a fantastic knife for an unbelievable price.  I would, highly, recommend anyone looking for this type of tool, to take a close look at the Becker BK2 from Ka-Bar. It Rocks!!  Way to go Ka-Bar, and thanks to Ethan Becker, for such a great design!  It's just as pretty now as before the test! I like a used knife. No safe queens here!
  • TA的每日心情
    2018-6-4 10:14
  • 签到天数: 464 天


    发表于 2009-5-19 10:22 | 显示全部楼层
  • TA的每日心情
    2017-8-13 14:31
  • 签到天数: 3 天


    发表于 2009-5-20 08:04 | 显示全部楼层


  • TA的每日心情

    2016-3-16 08:34
  • 签到天数: 54 天


     楼主| 发表于 2009-5-20 13:25 | 显示全部楼层
    原帖由 喁喁收集 于 2009-5-20 08:04 发表

  • TA的每日心情
    2017-8-13 14:31
  • 签到天数: 3 天


    发表于 2009-5-22 13:16 | 显示全部楼层


    自打卡美卢斯倒闭,卡巴公司欣喜地继承并从新推出了一些伊桑贝尔的设计。BK-2 Campanion便是其中之一。几天前我收到了一把邮寄过来的BK2,它给我的第一印象真是太棒了!此刀整刀长10.5英寸(约合26.67厘米),刀锋长5.25英寸(约合13.35厘米),配合达0.25英寸(约合6.35毫米,真是厚得变态!——译者注)的厚度——真是一把强壮的小刀!刀刃的研磨非常漂亮,刃口几乎和剃刀 一般锋利。这把刀采用久经考验的1095高碳钢制造,并使用了一种我见过的最光滑的涂层。Grivory(一家专门生产尼龙的公司——译者注)尼龙的柄非常舒服,轻便的K鞘可以很好把刀固定,不会出现意外滑出或是丢失之类的问题,除非处于非常极端的情况下。这个鞘上有很多挂点,可以很容易地固定在Molle系统上,或是绑在别的刀上。



    参与人数 1参与分 +18 收起 理由
    ericf + 18 继续做下去吧,谢谢。


  • TA的每日心情
    2013-6-27 00:01
  • 签到天数: 3 天


    发表于 2009-5-23 13:34 | 显示全部楼层


  • TA的每日心情
    2015-5-31 01:12
  • 签到天数: 33 天


    发表于 2009-5-23 20:49 | 显示全部楼层


  • TA的每日心情
    2013-7-15 22:13
  • 签到天数: 3 天


    发表于 2009-5-23 21:32 | 显示全部楼层


    呵呵 还是看原文好
  • TA的每日心情

    2016-3-16 08:34
  • 签到天数: 54 天


     楼主| 发表于 2009-5-26 02:20 | 显示全部楼层
    非常感谢“喁喁收集 ”兄弟在百忙之中翻译此文,我谨代表我自己,对“喁喁收集 ”兄弟致以崇高的敬意
  • TA的每日心情
    2017-2-17 08:19
  • 签到天数: 3 天


    发表于 2009-5-26 08:07 | 显示全部楼层

    [ 本帖最后由 胖大厨 于 2009-5-26 08:11 编辑 ]
  • TA的每日心情
    2017-8-13 14:31
  • 签到天数: 3 天


    发表于 2009-5-27 18:39 | 显示全部楼层



                 最后一项测试是丛林生存。测试的当天晚上还下了点雪,增添了不少乐趣。我挖了个坑并设置了一个陷阱(名为Deadfall的陷阱,后面有介绍,一下简称陷阱——译者注),这种陷阱常常被成为Paiute Deadfall。我找到了合用的石头,然后找来了一根弯曲的树杈,稍加切削就凑够了做陷阱所需的材料。刀子的重量和一卷绳子帮了大忙。陷阱做好以后我又测试了一下,做了些细微调整,使其达到工作状态。刀子用起来非常方便,如能掌握正确方法,会增加舒适性和控制感。整个儿测试过程我一次也没有磨过这把刀,到测试结束的时候它仍旧能够削纸,刀刃几乎和刚从盒子里拿出来的时候一样。我觉得这把刀完全表现了设计者的意图,刀柄尾部的形状使你可以用好几种握法去握持,都一样舒服。刀连鞘重约为20盎司(一盎司合28g多一点,这刀连鞘要重一斤多啊!狗腿也就是600g多一点……太汗了!——译者注),正好不超过我对便携工具的要求。再配上一把BK11(也即the Becker Necker)和一个多用工具,就什么样的情况都能应付的了啦!另外,这把刀的性价比非常之高,我强烈推荐任何一个寻找这类工具的人离近了好好看看BK2,实在是太帅了!我要感谢卡巴公司和EthanBecker的经典设计(太俗套了……),在经过了这样的测试之后,刀还跟新的一样!
  • TA的每日心情
    2017-8-13 14:31
  • 签到天数: 3 天


    发表于 2009-5-27 22:43 | 显示全部楼层
  • TA的每日心情
    2017-8-13 14:31
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    发表于 2009-5-27 22:49 | 显示全部楼层


    原帖由 wkk 于 2009-5-23 13:34 发表
    原帖由goblinhx于2009-5-23 21:32 发表
    呵呵 还是看原文好



    翻译的不错,辛苦  发表于 2014-2-23 14:45
  • TA的每日心情
    2015-5-31 01:12
  • 签到天数: 33 天


    发表于 2009-5-28 00:30 | 显示全部楼层


  • TA的每日心情

    2016-3-16 08:34
  • 签到天数: 54 天


     楼主| 发表于 2009-5-30 11:07 | 显示全部楼层
  • TA的每日心情
    2014-7-28 15:27
  • 签到天数: 2 天


    发表于 2009-11-4 23:10 | 显示全部楼层
  • TA的每日心情
    2015-9-13 17:52
  • 签到天数: 82 天


    发表于 2014-2-20 15:11 | 显示全部楼层
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