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[娱乐放松] 中国大战外星人!

  • TA的每日心情
    2014-4-29 16:54
  • 签到天数: 2 天


    发表于 2011-6-22 22:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    转自龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com/wtfy/2174.html  
    What would be the Chinese Defence Strategy against Alien Attack?
    发布日期:2011-06-21 20:11:46

    译文简介: 如果是中国人的话,面对外星人的攻击,他们将采取何种战略反击?

    嘿,伙计们,我前阵子看国家地理频道,节目里正在讨论一个有可能发生的情况——人类抗击入侵地球的外星人。 节目是做给美国/西方观众看的。他们要确保节目中不出现“人民战争”这样的字眼。节目中也提到美GJ方已经制定了抵抗外星人进攻的计划,当然,没有透露细节。 那么,如果是中国人的话,面对外星人的攻击,他们将采取何种战略反击? 请不要直接回答“人民战争战略”,或是假设外星人会延续日本侵略中国时所采取的策略。 VIDEOS OF THE SHOW (下面一大串youtube 链接,视频已失效)
    注:人民战争战略, **思想 的核心之一,主要为利用全人民的力量打击侵略者,保卫国家、民族。评论翻译: Bltizo Unfortunately I don't have the bandwidth to watch all the videos, could you summarize some of the main points or the like? I personally think the PLA need more helicopters. 很遗憾,我没有足够的带宽,没能看完所有的视频。你能概括一下要点大意什么的吗?

    【笑】我个人认为,中国人民解放军需要更多的直升机。 siegecrossbow If an alien race is not interested in taking over the Earth but very interested in wiping out human beings all they have to do is enter orbit, and drop rocks. Good luck defending against 10,000 dinosaur killers. 如果一个外星种族对接管地球不感兴趣,但就想消灭人类,他们所要做的不过是进入轨道,朝地球扔岩石罢了。抵抗杀死了一万头恐龙的外星人,祝你好运。

    原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:寒灯 supercat Swarm tactic. Tens or hundreds of thousands suicide bombers riding balloons attack the stationary alien mother ships globally and simultaneously. That is the end result of the National Geographic story.


    kwaigonegin scenarios like these make for good Hollywood movies but probably not in reality. Common now! if an advance race of aliens who has mastered interstellar travel and worm hole technology etc really wants to wipe us out I'm sure we wouldn't stand a chance! All they have to do is send some kind of super virus or fast spreading microorganisms and we'll all be gone in no time or they can just 'Alderaaned' the Earth assuming they're not here for the resources.

    像这样的情节能为好莱坞的电影增光添彩,但是在现实中是没戏的。如果一个先进到掌握了星际旅行和虫洞等技术的外星种族想要消灭我们,我想我们肯定会玩完的!他们所要做的就是搞几种超级病毒或是能快速传播的微生物给咱们,这样我们很快就会统统归西了;或者,如果他们并不是为了地球上的资源而来,他们可以直接把地球给“奥得兰”了(意为用镭射光束毁灭)。 Alderaan,奧得蘭行星 坐落在空间的深处,这个星球同地球非常相似,大片的海洋以及飘浮在空中的云彩,这里的人口曾经达到了百万之多,但是帝国用死星超級雷射光束摧毀掉了。 Martian China responds to Alien Attack 中国应对外星人的袭击: Military Outsourcing - If China was attacked by Aliens, China would appeal to the United States (with over 750 overseas military bases) to deal with the problem. No point in having 11 aircraft carrier battle groups if you're not going to use them. In short, Alien Attack is an U.S. problem. I'm pretty sure that China can muster enough U.N. support to get the Americans to do something. Also, run some advertisements on American television and buy ads in the New York Times extolling the spirit of Sino-American cooperation during World War II against a common enemy. Find a surviving member of the Flying Tigers (or their relatives) and invoke the nostalgia of productive Sino-American joint efforts in a television interview. Poll numbers of American support for China should go straight up. China could also offer to pay for U.S. war efforts on Chinese territory. One to two trillion dollars should be sufficient. Problem solved.


    2. Cultural Soft Power - Moving on, aliens are unlikely to attack China. There is no other place in the galaxy to dine on delicious Dim Sum, Moo Shu Beef, and Peking Duck. The prospect of losing delicious Chinese cuisine is sufficient to halt any prospective alien attack.

    二、文化软实力——外星人不太可能会攻击中国,他们会绕开中国的。银河系里再没有其它地方能让外星人享受到美味的点心、木须肉和北京烤鸭了。从此失去美味的中国菜的后果足以使任何外星人望而却步。 3. Economic Incentive - China possesses a massive market for potential alien goods. It would be irrational for any intelligent alien to attack billions of their potential customers.


    4. Strong Asset for Incorporation into Alien Empire - Once aliens discover China, they will quickly realize that they can produce their alien spacecraft in China at a fraction of current costs. No sentient being would attack a more efficient and lower-cost production base. 四、大量的合资资产进入外星人的帝国——一旦外星人发现了中国,他们很快就会意识到,只需要花费现造价的一小部分,他们就能在中国制造他们的外星飞船啦。但凡有知觉的生物就不会攻击一个更有效率,成本更低的生产基地。

    5. Deng comes to the rescue again! - Upon contact by a hostile alien race, China will follow Deng's strategy: "Hide your strength, bide your time, and do what you can." China can negotiate with the Alien invasion force and offer to pay annual tribute. This will buy time for China. After surreptitiously mastering alien technologies, China will kick the foreign imperialists out of the country in about one to two centuries. 五、**归来,再一次拯救了中国!——在与敌方的外星人种族的接触中,中国将坚持**同志的策略:“隐藏力量,等待时机,做你能做的事。”中国可以与外星侵略势力协商,为后者每年献上岁贡。这将为中国争取时间。在偷偷地掌握了外星人的技术之后,中国将在一到两个世纪内将外星帝国主义者踢出自己的国家。(原话其实是“韬光养晦,有所作为”,多年来不少西方人士在解读“韬光养晦”一词时,或多或少存在着翻译不准确,甚至曲解的现象。如“掩盖自己的能力,等待时机东山再起” ,“隐藏能力、假装弱小”等)

    Mashan If you are the alien, wouldn't you first take down the strongest of them all? So no worry alien won't attack China first. They will take out ATM, internet, fries all the chips around the world and disable those GPS/satellites first, wait for the world economy to collapse then come sit down with the rest of us have a cup of tea, some buns and talk business 如果你是外星人,你会一开始就拿最强大的下手吗?所以放心吧,外星人是不会一上来就攻击中国的。他们会先除掉自动出纳机(原文ATM,暂定为自动出纳机)、互联网、炸薯条还有全世界的薯片,废掉GPS和卫星,而后坐等世界经济崩溃。等到世界经济崩溃之后,他们就会过来和我们余下的人坐下来喝杯茶,吃点小面包,然后洽谈一下业务。

    一个外星孢子坠落在遥远的西伯利亚。这些外星生命很快就开始攫取当地的资源(有机和无机),并且在人类发现他们之间建立了庞大的军队。然后,他们发动一场面向三个方向的侵略战争;向西侵略莫斯科和欧洲,向南入侵中国,向东入侵阿拉斯加。 Xeno characteristics: - No orbital support. The initial spore crash is all they get. - The Xenos can ingest both organic and inorganic matter and reproduce, breeding warriors and drones much like the Zerg. In fact, think of them as an almost total rip-off of Blizzard's IP, except without endless reinforcement from space. What forces they create, they have to make use of local resources. Unfortunately, they are extremely good at doing just that. - It takes only a few hours for an entire clutch of Xeno warriors to be grown to functional size. A hive cluster can be established in as quickly as 24 hours. - Key Xeno resources are organic matter and metals. Metals (especially iron) is incorporated into their exoskeleton ** them highly resistant to small arms fire. They are also able to regenerate quickly. - Xeno command is operated through a decentralized series of "synaptic nodes" that can communicate telepathically over vast distances.

    外星生物的特点: ----没有轨道支持。一开始坠落的孢子就是他们拥有的全部了。 ----这些外星生物可以吸收有机物及无机物,并且和虫族一样,可以复制和繁殖战士和工蜂。实际上,即使不算他们无法源源不断地从太空中进行增援这一点,他们也可以说是暴雪最废柴的种族。为创造了强大的军事力量,(因此)他们必须使用当地的资源。不幸的是,他们极其擅长做的正是此事。 ----整批异性战士只需要几个小时就可长成。一个蜂巢集群可以在短短24个小时内就修建完成。 ----对于异性们来说,关键的资源是有机物和金属。在他们的外骨骼中就含有金属(尤其是铁),这些金属元素能够帮助它们抵挡轻武器的攻击。他们也能快速地再生。 ----通过一系列分散的“突触节点”,它们可以进行长距离的心灵感应通讯,并且此传递和执行命令。 Xeno Warrior Breeds: - light infantry: small, dog sized (but infinitely more vicious) critters with exoskeletons that can withstand multiple gunshot wounds, and claws that can rip a man to shreds. Can be produced very quickly and in massive quantities. Able to run quickly, or climb upon buildings using its claws. These guys don't charge in ranks. They take advantage of whatever cover there is to attack from the most unexpected angles. - heavy infantry: large, Tyrannosaurus-sized critters that can project razor sharp spines at a range, power and ROF comparable to assault rifles. Their heavy armor make them as durable as human tanks, while being much more maneuverable.
  • TA的每日心情
    2014-4-29 16:54
  • 签到天数: 2 天


     楼主| 发表于 2011-6-22 22:13 | 显示全部楼层
    Guys, the technology gap between TWO HUMAN RACE, if it is greater than MERELY ONE HUNDRED years, one wipe out another. (Like what happens to american indians, but I will just stop here, no point talk more in that direction).The thing is, the universe is huge! Tech gap is measured in million years... 各位,就是在人类的种族之间,如果两个种族的科技水平差距差了100年以上——仅仅100年啊,一个种族就会灭掉另一个种族(就像过去美洲印第安人所经历的那样。不过我话就说到这里,我不想在这个方向上讨论太多)。

    而现实的情况是,我们的宇宙无比巨大的!科技水平的差距都要以百万年计… Protoss like aliens? They can develop full scale of Bio weapon to wipe human or earth life out, like we wipe variola out, before we even aware what's happening. Zerg like aliens? They can travel through universe, they can surely adapt earth's environment in no time once they reached earth, and develop what ever virus / spore, to wipe out the local life form (No need to "eat your enemy", just plague them) 外星人会像神族吗?他们可以开发大规模的生物武器并将人类和地球上生命抹杀,就如我们消灭病毒一样,而在这之前我们甚至还不知道发生了什么事。外星人会像虫族吗?他们可以穿越宇宙,他们已到达地球就能立刻适应地球的环境,他们还能发展出各种病毒/孢子,因此消灭当地的生物(它们不需要“吃掉你的敌人”,只是折磨他们) Mass effect like aliens, "civililized contact"? Simply put, we are on their mercy, which I don't count much. They still deal the "Krogon Rebelian" with Bio weapon, remember? And the "Human is one of the big fish", is just wishful thinking. Sober-minded "people-in-this-business", all warned us of alien contact. - We simply can not afford it.

    会像《质量效益》里那样,“文明的接触”吗?,简单的说,我们的生杀予夺在它们的一念之间,而对于他们的仁慈我可不敢指望太多。他们还在会拿生物武器对付“Krogon起义者”,记得吗?“人类是许多大鱼中的一条”,这只是一厢情愿的想法。最清醒理智的说法是——“在这个行当中的人”,这句话在与外星人接触的问题上为我们做出了警告——我们根本就负担不起。《质量效应》讲述的是一个发生在遥远未来的科幻题材故事,玩家在游戏中扮演的是宇宙维和组织“幽灵”中惟一的一名人类精英队员。当时人类藉由古代 外星文明 所遗留的先进科技,已能自由往来于银河系之间,并挤身银河系各高等文明种族所组成的银河议会成员。在游戏中,生物武器对Krogon据说有奇效。 airsuperiority (回ls的ls,将星际作比的那位)
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    发表于 2011-6-26 12:41 | 显示全部楼层
    大作神人啊 。。。。。。。
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