本帖最后由 毒九 于 2021-4-18 18:31 编辑
原文和图片来自Knife Rights网站链接,侵删。
April 29, 2017 – Atlanta, Georgia: KnifeRights’ Freedom’s Steel™ VI – Victory’s Edge™ Bowie raised $120,000 for NRA’s Institutefor Legislative Action at the NRA Annual Meeting in Atlanta, Georgia.
The stunningTransition Damascus Bowie forged by Master Smith J.R. Cook with dazzling 24KGold engraving by Fire-arms Engravers Guild of America President Barry LeeHands saw spirited bidding at the annual NRA-ILA Dinner and Auction concludingwith a standing ovation for the winning bidder.
这把刀的锻造者J.R.COOK和雕刻者美国木-仓械雕刻协会主席Barry Lee观看了激烈的竞价,并为中标者起立鼓掌庆贺。
Mark Zalesky,editor of Knife Magazine,noted that, “as far as I can recall, this is an alltime record price for ahandmade knife at a public auction. Congratulations toKnife Rights, J.R. Cookand Barry Lee Hands.” 《Knife》杂志编辑MarkZalesky说,“据我所知,这是公开拍卖会上创下的手工刀拍卖价格的历史纪录。恭喜刀权组织,J.R.Cook 和 Barry Lee Hands。” (Mark D Zalesky,美国传统刀具研究者,学者。他说是纪录那肯定就是纪录。)
Named in honorof President T-rump’s election victory that secured the future of the SecondAmendment, Knife Rights Founder and Chairman Doug Ritter noted he was, “thrilled to affirm our commitment to our shared goal of preservingthe Second Amendment for future generations in such a spectacular fashion.” Referencing thedramatic rope-cutting demonstration on stage just prior to the bidding’s start, hequipped, in the understatement of the evening, “not toobad for a slightly used knife.” 为了纪念特-朗-普总统的大选胜利,确保了第二修正案的未来,刀权创始人兼主席道格-里特指出,"我很高兴能以如此壮观的方式申明我们对共同目标的承诺,即为后代保留第二修正案。" 在提到竞标开始前,台上戏剧性的绳索切割演示时,他诙谐地说,"对于一把稍微用过的刀来说,(这个价格)还算不错"。 (这把刀的价格高,也是因为前一年底总-统选举,川-普出奇制胜,造成保守阵营一片狂热胜利气氛。 如今翻译此文,恰在四年之后,川-普”出奇致败“,白-宫两院皆失,右翼万马齐喑之时。 新闻陈放成旧闻看更有趣味:物是人非,自会对人性的脆弱和时间的残忍多一层感知。) --------------------------------
Master BladeSmith J.R. Cook has forged asignature styled Arkansas Bowie in his unique “Transition” Damascus patternthat he first developed with an Innovation Grantfrom the Custom KnifeCollectors Association in 2012. The difficultyand effort required to producethis striking pattern that “transitions” from 1,000 layers at the spine to 400layers at the edge, withrippled drops in the transition zone, means it is usedon only a very select fewknives that Cook forges. 大师级刀匠J.R.库克用他独特的"过渡 "大马士革图案锻造了一把标志性风格的阿肯色博弈,这是他在2012年利用定制刀收藏家协会的创新资助首次开发的。 这种引人注目的图案从刀脊的1000层 "过渡 "到边缘的400层,并在过渡区有波纹状的落差,制作这种图案所需的难度和努力意味着它只用于库克锻造的极少数刀具上。 (我手里库克”竹篱“博弈就是此类大马。 但两种大马硬性过渡,气韵把握上更增难度。我见过Fisk也做过一两把这类大马,效果也一般。 个人认为单就花纹的表现力来说,比不上泪桥和德克萨斯风暴。)
The Damascussteel was forged fromalternating layers of 1084 & 15N20 high carbon steels. The S-curvedguardwith ball ends and the fittings are 416 Stainless Steel, masterfullyhand-filedand then polished to prepare them for engraving. 大马士革钢由1084和15N20高碳钢交替锻造而成。S型护手和球头以及配件都是416不锈钢,经过手工精雕细琢,然后抛光准备雕刻。
The tang ismarked with Cook’s “ArkansasLiving Treasure” stamp on the obverse, one of very few very special knivesthusmarked (more below in his bio). 刀柄正面有库克的 "阿肯色州活宝 "标,库克锻造的刀里只有很少一部分打了这个标。(详见刀匠介绍)。 (和Fisk的国家活宝、牛顿的GMS一样,这些称号并不是业内权威和刀匠公认的级别性指称。 只代表刀匠对这个称号很自豪和喜欢。在Fisk和Cook,打这个标的,确实代表他自己认为的精品之作。但没打这个标,也不一定差。)
The fittedhandle of exhibition gradefossil Walrus Ivory is perfectly contoured; swellingat the butt for a comfortableand secure grip, ensuring the knife isn’t going to slipwhether it is used forchopping wood or self-defense. 展览级化石海象牙的贴身刀柄,轮廓完美;柄尾渐粗,握感舒适,刀子无论是用来砍木头还是自卫都不会打滑。 (这块海牙确实不错,矿化色调和层次复杂而协调,有水墨画感,整体又柔润细腻。 我从跳总那请来的那把30周年博弈的柄,和这块似乎是同源,非常相似。) The handleissecured to the knife by an internally threaded spindle nut, through thepommel,to the hidden tang of the knife. Stainless steel hidden pins ensureperfectalignment of handle to the spacer, guard and blade. 手柄通过内螺纹螺母固定,通过尾铁固定在刀的隐藏刀茎上。不锈钢暗销确保把手与垫片、护手和刀片完美对齐。
Measuring 15and a quarter inches fromfinial to tip, Freedom’s Steel™ VI – Victory’s Edge™Bowie’s 10 and aquarter-inch long by 9/32-inch thickblade might be considered far toobeautiful to ever use, but it is still aperfectly functional tool handcraftedto do any job a Bowie knife might be askedto do.
这把刀的刀片长 10.25 英寸,厚 9/32 英寸,从柄尾到刀尖的尺寸为 15.25 英寸。 它可能会因为太过美丽而无法使用,但它仍然是一款功能完美的工具,可用于完成 Bowie 刀的任何工作。
(无论这种大马,还是海牙这类半化石,都不适合特别艰苦的工作。 大马会伤花纹,坏品相,化石很容易受力崩裂和涨缩。 用这类艺术品级别的刀工作,能吗?能。但就是无谓的浪费。 跟用钞票点烟一样,能吗?也能,但就是装的B都爆土爆土的。)
Freedom’s Steel™ VI – Victory’s Edge™ Bowiehas been engraved by world-renowned engraver Barry Lee Hands,the President of the Firearms Engravers Guild of America (FEGA). Hands has beenrecognized byhis peers with the title of FEGA Master Engraver. 此刀由世界著名雕刻师Barry LeeHands雕刻,他是美国木-仓械雕刻师协会(FEGA)的主席。 他获得了FEGA雕刻大师的称号,得到了同行的认可。
(巴瑞李的声名是如日中天,雕刻界当世第一。他自己也颇有能力,无论艺术还是社会活动。 前不久他刚把AKI给盘下来,造成点小波澜。 虽然有些刀匠抵制,但整体上筋骨未动,元气未伤,新血涌入。 虽然对巴瑞李的新政有点五味杂陈,但我还是看好AKI未来在商业上的发展。 时代在层层推进,明里暗里一直在脱胎换骨。感觉疼的,大概就是跟不上时代了。)
Hand’s extraordinarilyrich engravingconsists of raised 24k Gold overlays and inlays in his signature “RenaissanceLeaf” pattern on the guard,spacer and pommel. Altogether on this knife thereare 44 Renaissance Leaves madefrom .3mm 24k .999 fine pure Gold, eachpainstakingly created, one by one. Inaddition there are 10 inches of 28 gauge24K .999 fine Gold wire connecting theleaves as “lines of grace.” 巴瑞李的雕刻非常丰富,在护手、垫片和刀杆上都有他标志性的 "文艺复兴叶 "图案,由凸起的24K金覆盖和镶嵌组成。 这把刀上共有44片叶子,由0.3毫米厚的24K纯金制成,每片叶子都是精心制作,各自不同。 此外,作为 "优雅的枝条",还有10英寸的28号24K金线连接叶片。
On both thefront and back of the guard andon the domed pommel the background ishigh-polish sculpted scrollwork. On thesides of the guard and on the spacer thebackground is high-polish stainlesssteel. The process of overlaying Gold oneither sculpted scroll or high-polishstainless is very difficult and intricatework. The 24k Gold installation mustbe perfectly executed; even the tiniestflaw would be instantly noticed on suchbright backgrounds. 在护手的正面和背面以及圆拱形的尾铁上,金雕背景是高抛光雕刻的涡旋花纹。在护手的侧面和隔板上,背景是高抛光不锈钢。 在高抛光不锈钢上雕花和覆金的过程是非常困难和复杂的工作。 24K金的雕镶必须完美;在如此明亮的背景上,即使是最微小的缺陷也会立即被发现。
This Bowieexhibits the perfection that hasearned Hands his exalted worldwide reputation,executed at the highest level ofproficiency and skill. Hands noted whiledescribing his work on Freedom’sSteel™ VI – Victory’s Edge™Bowie, “beyond a doubt this is the mostsophisticatedengraving by a Firearms Engravers Guild of America MasterEngraver ever seen onan ABS Master Smith Bowie.” 这把刀展现了Hands在全球范围内赢得的完美声誉,最高水平雕刻的熟练度和技巧。巴瑞李在描述他在这把刀上的工作时说:"毫无疑问,这是美国木-仓械雕刻师协会雕刻大师在 ABS大师级博弈上进行的最复杂的雕刻。"
MasterSmith James (J.R.) Cook made his first knife in 1986 and later that year firstsold a knife. He relates that “I started making knives trying to make something better than what Icould buy in a store. I found that I truly love the craft and the many aspectsof it. It is very appealing to know I am making something that is cherished andwill be passed down through the generations to come.”
Cook earned hisJourneyman Smith certification from the American Bladesmith Society in 1989 andhis Master Smith designation 1991. In 2005, having established himself amongthe top echelon of bladesmiths, he took the leap and became a full-timeknifemaker.
In 2007 Cook wasnamed an “ArkansasLiving Treasure” by the Arkansas Arts Council, the onlybladesmith so honored. He marks only a very select few knives with his “Arkansas Living Treasure” mark.
2007年,库克被阿肯色州艺术委员会评为 "阿肯色州活宝",他是唯一获此殊荣的刀匠。他只在极少数刀具上打上 "阿肯色州活宝"的标记。
In 2012 Cook wasawarded a $15,000 innovation grant from the Custom Knife Collectors Associationwhich led to the development of his unique and distinctive “Transition” Damascus.
2012年,库克获得了定制刀具收藏家协会15000美元的创新资助,从而开发出了他独特的、与众不同的 "过渡 "大马士革钢纹理。
Cook’s awards are too numerous tolist, but include virtually every major award by virtually every major knifeshow throughout the world. Cook’s knives are collectedby many of the world’s most discriminating collectors.His knives have been featured in magazines around the world, most recently inChina, France and Brazil.
The beginningof Barry Lee Hands lifelongpassion started when he was professionallyapprenticed to an engraver at theage of seventeen. Over the next thirty yearshe would become world renowned forhis outstanding style, entailing thecombination of time-honored techniqueswith his own innovative designs. Today,his master level work is in greatdemand and considered, by many, to be some ofthe finest in the world. 巴瑞·李·汉德斯对雕刻艺术一生的热情始于他17岁时成为一名雕刻师的专业学徒。 在接下来的三十年里,他以其杰出的风格而闻名于世,他将传统的技术与自己的创新设计融为一体。 今天,他的佳作颇受市场青睐,被许多人认为是世界上最优秀的作品之一。 Mr. Hands hasdeveloped unique, proprietarytechniques available exclusively from him forsculpted overlays, heavydamascene, black satin background, among many, and mostunusual, the inlay ofgold in pearl and jade, which he has titled “Gilded Pearl” and “Gilded Jade.” 巴瑞李开发出了独特的专有技术,并独享专利,用于雕刻覆膜、重质大马士革、黑缎背景等,其中最特别的是在珍珠和玉石中镶嵌黄金,他将其命名为 "镀金珍珠 "和"镀金玉石"。 Mr. Hands is awell known authority on the Artand History of engraving, authoring articles forsuch prestigious publicationsas The Double G-u-n Journal, Shooting Sportsman,G-u-nmaker and Engraver. 巴瑞李是雕刻艺术和历史方面的著名权威,为《双木-仓杂志》、《射击运动员》、《木-仓械制造商》和《雕刻师》等著名出版物撰写文章。 Mr. Hands holdsprofessional status in theFirearms Engravers Guild of America, and is a memberof the American CustomG-u-nmakers Guild. In 2009 Mr. Hands was recognized byhis peers when he wasawarded the “Best Engraved Rifle” and “Engravers Choice Award of Merit” by themembers of the Firearms Engravers Guild of America during itsannual meeting.He has been serving as the President of the Firearms EngraversGuild of Americasince 2012. 巴瑞李拥有美国木-仓械雕刻师协会的专业资格,也是美国定制木-仓械制造商协会的成员。 2009年,Hands先生在美国木-仓械雕刻师协会年会上被其成员授予 "最佳雕刻步木-仓 "和 "雕刻师选择功勋奖",得到了同行的认可。 自2012年以来,他一直担任美国木-仓械雕刻师协会会长。 In addition tohisextraordinary donation of engraving here, Mr. Hands has also donated histimeto organizations such as Wounded Warrior, The Knifemakers Guild, The LightofHope Cancer Foundation, The National Rifle Association and the AmericanCustomG-u-nmakers Guild. 除了捐赠他非凡的雕刻,Hands先生还投入时间,参与受伤的战士、刀匠协会、希望之光癌症基金会、国家步木-仓协会和美国定制木-仓匠协会等组织的活动。