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TA的每日心情 | 开心 2017-1-23 10:50 |
签到天数: 40 天 [LV.5]常住居民I
本帖最后由 机器战警全区1号 于 2015-7-18 08:31 编辑
最近收到了Allen Elishewitz的邮件,全文如下:
I think it is the first time that I send you an email that isn't about knives for sale. Instead today I want to bring to your attention an organization that you may or may not be familiar with: Knife Rights.
Knife Rights is a great organization protecting and changing knife laws in the US. Doug Ritter and his team work tirelessly to make sure legislation gets passed or gets defeated if need be and they are very successful at it! Check out their website and support them!
They need funds to achieve all that work so that is where we can give back to them for all they are doing to protect your rights. You can buy a membership and you can make a donation which in turns gives you a number of entries in their Ultimate Steel drawing. Check out the knives and firearms you could win; the list is long and impressive!
If you have any questions, let me know.
Allen Elishewitz