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We've reported on the video here:
Kony stands accused of overseeing the systematic kidnapping of countless African children, brainwashing the boys into fighting for him, turning the girls into 本人 slaves and killing those who don't comply.
Kony实际全名为(Joseph Kony)被指出有组织性地绑架无数非洲儿童,对他们进行洗脑使得为他个人进行战斗,有不少女孩子被其做为性奴贩卖。他还杀掉了那些不顺从的儿童。
His forces are believed to have slaughtered tens of thousands of people and are known for hacking the lips off their victims. Kony has been wanted by the international criminal court since 2005 on charges that include crimes against humanity. He has been living in the bush outside Uganda since that time.
The US designated the LRA a terrorist group after September 11, and in 2008 began actively supporting the Ugandan military. In October, the president deployed 100 combat-equipped troops–mostly special operations forces–to Uganda to advise regional military units in capturing or killing Kony.
美国方面自2008年9月11号以后指定LRA(Lord's Resistance Army 也就是joseph kony所成立的反抗军)为恐怖组织,并且开始支援乌干达军队。10月份,总统部署100全幅武装的军人,其中包括特别行动部队,前往乌干达指导当地部队对Kony施行抓捕和击杀。
11.30am: This excellent post by Michael Wilkerson, a journalist who has worked extensively in Uganda, starts busting some of the myths around Kony and the situation in Uganda. He writes:
It would be great to get rid of Kony. He and his forces have left abductions and mass murder in their wake for over 20 years.
But let's get two things straight:
1) Joseph Kony is not in Uganda and hasn't been for six years;
2) The LRA now numbers at most in the hundreds, and while it is still causing immense suffering, it is unclear how millions of well-meaning but misinformed people are going to help deal with the more complicated reality.
Michael Wilkerson是一位在乌干达工作多年的记者,对于近期网上流传有关kony和乌干达的种种传闻,他写道:
1)Joseph Kony 从六年前开始就不在乌干达境内了
It makes the following points:
??The LRA is not in Uganda but now operates in the DRC, South Sudan and the Central African Republic
??In October last year, Obama authorised the deployment of 100 US army advisers to help the Ugandan military track down Kony, with no results disclosed to date.
??The LRA is much smaller than previously thought. It does not have have 30,000 or 60,000 child soldiers. The figure of 30,000 refers to the total number of children abducted by the LRA over nearly 30 years.
It also makes the point that there is currently no threat to remove the US advisers who are working with the Uganda government to track down the army–Invisible Children's key aim is to force the US government to keep them there.
??LRA军队的规模也比之前想像的要小,对于美军指导的乌干达军队来说绝对构不成任何威胁-Invisible Children这个组织的根本目的是让美国政府持续把军队留在那里。
12.59pm: The Ugandan journalist Angelo Opi-aiya Izama has writtenthis blog
来自乌干达记着Angel Opi-aiya Izama的观点
One salient issue the film totally misses is that the actual geography of today's LRA operations is related to a potentially troubling "resource war".
Since 2006, Uganda discovered world class oil fields along its border with DRC. The location of the oil fields has raised the stakes for the Ugandan military and its regional partners, including the US.
While LRA is seen as a mindless evil force, its deceased deputy leader, Vincent Otii, told me once that their fight with President Yoweri Museveni was about "money and oil". This context is relevant because it allows for outsiders to view the LRA issue more objectively within the recent history of violence in the wider region that includes the great Central Africa wars of the 90s, in which groups like LRA were pawns for proxy wars between countries.
当LRA被认为是丧心病狂的X恶组织的时候,组织的副官,Vincent Otii,曾经告诉过我他们和总统Yoweri Museveni之间展开的斗争关乎“钱和石油”。在90年代那段席卷了乃至中非地区的暴力史中,像LRA这样的组织更像是在国家之间被当作工具利用的“暴力代言人”。我提到这些上下文是因为他们确实关乎事实,而且至少可以让局外人在看待LRA的事情上可以更加客观理性一些。
In LRA's case, its main support came from the Sudanese government in Khartoum and many suspect it still maintains the patronage of Omar el-Bashir, the country's president, himself indicted for war crimes by the ICC.
喀土穆的苏丹政府在LRA事件上有重要的嫌疑显示出是因为拥护总统Omar el-Bashir而长期支援LRA。国际法庭也曾指控他应该为这些战争案件负责。
我把这些资料和观点搜集并且翻译过来贴在这里,只是想告诉那些看了视频以后一腔热血要去声讨kony援助非洲的人:事情不是想像中的二元对立,善恶两极这么简单,而是要复杂的多。如果单看LRA这么个历史事件,部落之间的利益冲突,还有权力斗争都是其背后形成的动因,而欧美国家的对非洲长期的介入,实际上没有带去福音,而是把斗争关系和利益关系变得更加复杂,即便有人陈词滥调地说他们是冲着资源去非洲的,这也根本不奇怪,因为历史确实重复如此的上演了这样的动机和其带来的后果。如果大家真的一心想要帮助非洲,为什么不呼吁非洲各国人民尽快完整自己国家的主权和制宪呢?所谓的慈善机构的捐助不仅没有让非洲脱离贫困,反而助长了政府的**和货币的高通胀率,让社会陷入了一个恶性循环。更有记着和学者指出,这些美国的或者欧洲的慈善机构打着“非政府组织”的旗号收到了大量的捐款,但仅有少部分被用于“援助”(根据英国卫报对此的披露,是“不足32%的筹得资金被用于支援,更多得采证和分析这些援助对非洲社会格局造成得不良影响,大家可以参考赞比亚政治学者赞比亚的政治学者Moyo写的《Dead Aid》中的内容),其他的都做为了机构人员的旅行费用和宣传,甚至各种不必要的花销等。今天,网络让全世界的消息前所未有的如此流通,可是这不代表大多人对于他者了解的更多,有时候可能就是恰恰相反。 |