


楼主: 默空

[娱乐放松] 伦敦奥运会有感。(更新,2楼放出链接)

  • TA的每日心情

    2016-10-29 19:45
  • 签到天数: 3 天


     楼主| 发表于 2012-7-28 16:22 | 显示全部楼层
    本帖最后由 默空 于 2012-7-28 16:24 编辑
    bookok 发表于 2012-7-28 16:20


    嗯,我也有感一下。同样一件事,中国人作,好的也是坏的,外国人作,坏的也是好的,中国人把这事办大了,就是铺张浪费,节俭一些吧,就是穷酸,没有个大国气度。外国人穷酸了吧,那是人家不浪费纳税人的钱。中国展示 ...
    nz_x 发表于 2012-7-28 16:11


    原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:shenlan0130 转载请注明出处本贴论坛地址:http://www.ltaaa.com/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=74147&extra=page%3D1%26filter%3Dauthor%26orderby%3Ddateline%26 ...
    bookok 发表于 2012-7-28 16:23

  • TA的每日心情
    2013-11-18 07:45
  • 签到天数: 5 天


    发表于 2012-7-28 16:23 | 显示全部楼层
    原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:shenlan0130 转载请注明出处本贴论坛地址:http://www.ltaaa.com/bbs/forum.p ... 6orderby%3Ddateline
    原文出自华尔街日报评论版:http://blogs.wsj.com/dailyfix/20 ... g-opening-ceremony/

    McCartney - check
    Queen Mother - check
    Prince Charles - check
    Chariots of Fire & London Philaharmonic - check
    Mr. Bean - check
    Rock N Roll Tribute to The Rolling Stones, The Beatles, The Kinks, Herman's Hermits, etc. - check
    David Beckham - check
    Muhammed Ali - check, check, check
    Eric Clapton - WHAT? NO CLAPTON? The best known guitar player in the world, he's a Brit, and NO CLAPTON?

    麦卡特尼 - 检查
    女王 - 检查
    查尔斯王子 - 检查
    消防及伦敦Philaharmonic战车 - 检查
    憨豆先生 - 检查
    岩石卷,披头士,赫尔曼的隐士等 - 检查
    贝克汉姆 - 检查
    拳王阿里 - 检查,检查,检查
    埃里克·克莱普顿 - 什么?无CLAPTON?已知的世界上最好的吉他手,他是一个英国人,竟然没有 CLAPTON?

    No offense to the Brits, but the ceremony was boring and a drag. Looks like it is $42 million down the drain.


    The opening ceremony leaves a lot of empty space in people's mind: "How come it tasted like the English breakfast. Should it be somewhat different?"


    You need to be on acid to understand the opening.it was bad!!by Jony7/27/2012 10:21:21 PM 6:21 AM


    Wish they had the lights on earlier, so we could see what was going onby Daniel Hargreaves7/27/2012 10:20:04 PM 6:20 AM


    pls go to you tube and watch the Beijing ceremonies! The Brits will be ashamed of what they have given to the world today!by patriia7/27/2012 10:18:33 PM 6:18 AM


    noooo my tv turned off!!by isaac7/27/2012 10:05:40 PM 6:05 AM


    To put a floundering system in the middle of such a wonderful event? I suppose America should put Obamacare at the center the next time the US is privileged to host the Games. What a joke!by NHS - Really?7/27/2012 10:05:39 PM 6:05 AM


    Beijing and Vancouver impressive……I was hoping to watch and get entertained by the British but I got Mr Bean! Awful. Danny Boyle what a waste of money!by fire danny7/27/2012 9:58:45 PM 5:58 AM


    What was that all about, a huge lost oppertunity , I am British and was ashamed at this opening,they had an almost once in a lifetime to make this big, and it was a joke, Barcelona, Canada winter olimpics best for meby Richard7/27/2012 9:57:46 PM 5:57 AM


    As a Londoner, I’m so disappointed. Most of it has just been one chaotic party without any harmony… and nothing stunning visually. Where’s the entertainment for the non British world that is watching this? Organizers should have warned everybody to study the history and culture of Britain, and be fluent in the English language, prior to the event.by barmiparmi7/27/2012 9:57:19 PM 5:57 AM


    London opening ceremony team did not do their homework! It’s a complete failure. I did not understand the opening ceremony! Nor did I get any sense of what it really means to be British!by olympic hopeful7/27/2012 9:56:50 PM 5:56 AM

  • TA的每日心情
    2013-11-18 07:45
  • 签到天数: 5 天


    发表于 2012-7-28 16:23 | 显示全部楼层
    Danny Boyle! what’s with all those rap music, bed time monsters, back to the 80′s…..you could have done better!by upset7/27/2012 9:56:12 PM 5:56 AM


    “The Chinese get a surprisingly big round of applause.”
    It was a delayed “thank you” for their opening ceremony not being lame.by Piliage7/27/2012 9:55:21 PM 5:55 AM


    bloody failure!by back in london7/27/2012 9:54:03 PM 5:54 AM


    The absolute worst ceremony.. No culture whatsoever… Its been confirmed


    This is utterly woeful. Where are the fireworks, drums, atmosphere?! It is truely bad. Seriously, all this hype and a BILLION people watching, Boyle has decided the best use of time to represent the UK on a global stage is Dizzy Rascal rapping in a house and two unknown people texting and going to a fake house party. I can only apologise to the rest of the world; i’m just as confused as you are as to what I just saw. Where are the different historical periods with kings, queens and castles? Where was the world wars that brought the whole world together where we all shared suffering? Where is the sporting element and parts that the rest of the whole world can understand?! Danny Boyle, you should be ashamed – im surprised it never had an advert for Coka Cola half way through…

    太糟糕了,烟火鼓声气氛在哪里?真的很差,说真的,宣布吹的天花乱坠,亿万观众在看,丹尼鲍依决定最好能代表英国的居然是令人头昏的RAP和两个路人在发短信然后去了一个山寨HOME PARTY!我能做的只有给全世界道歉,我也跟你一样困惑我看到的开幕式,看不到不同历史时期的国王女王城堡,看不到世界大战把全世界团结在一起分享我们的痛楚,看不到关于运动的阐述,剩下的英国外的世界完全看不懂。丹尼,你该羞愧

    so bored i’m now drinking my son in law’s gin with diet coke ! no tonic in the house !by mike kiddle7/27/2012 9:51:48 PM 5:51 AM

    太无聊了。我现在在喝我女婿的GIN酒+健怡可乐。 家里没有补品啊

    i have to wait another 4 years to see hopefully a better opening ceremony! but Britain, you topped it…it’s not bad, its horrible! am sorry but am just being honest!by name it7/27/2012 9:39:42 PM 5:39 AM


    I am from Asia and I was impressed with Vancouver and Beijing. London is messed up. what right does Danny Boyle have to have messed up what could possibly be one of the most anticipated show in the world. It could Britiain’s chance to brag!by Anonymous7/27/2012 9:32:01 PM 5:32 AM


    I was hoping to get a glimpse of UK’s culture, history and to get inspired by the ceremony. But I got nonsense. :(by Pat7/27/2012 9:31:25 PM 5:31 AM


    This is even worse than I could ever have imagined. What would be wrong with just welcoming the athletes and then going to bed like lm doing now. Thanks for making britain a laughing stock again!by Anonymous7/27/2012 9:31:12 PM 5:31 AM


    This country should be ashamed of this dross put out to the world, it looks as if all the village am dram societies have been called in at the last minute to try and entertain a crowd. What an absolute waste of time and money.by Disgusted in England7/27/2012 9:30:09 PM
    5:30 AM


    The athletes are here… so that’s it for the ceremony… damn i should have chose golf over this boring bs…by Ocean's X7/27/2012 9:30:02 PM 5:30 AM

    I agree 110% Andrew M. Worst ceremonies I have seen! Bad!by Kristine7/27/2012 9:29:56 PM 5:29 AM


    Look, if none of you are going to come out and say it then I will.
    This is shamefully pathetic. Unquestionably the worst Opening Ceremonies for a wide variety of reasons – in ‘decades’.


    I”ve been flipping back from several channels to the opening ceremony and it’s not getting any better. Can I say Boring!!! Is it just me?by MB7/27/2012 9:28:55 PM 5:28 AM


    cut out the Stars! we need inspiration performance. Olympics is not about Hollywood. its about the regular man and we need more inspirational performance than this.by bored7/27/2012 9:28:21 PM 5:28 AM


    I’m finding it hard to follow what’s going on.by Ram Singh7/27/2012 9:26:58 PM 5:26 AM


    sorry but comparing this with Beijing and the Winter Olympics in Canada, they were better than what I am seeing. Danny Boyle messed this up! Big TIME!!!!!!!!!!by Anonymous7/27/2012 9:26:42 PM 5:26 AM


    This all seems a bit commercial to me.by Scotty K7/27/2012 9:26:04 PM 5:26 AM


    Well this tops Vancouver for corny amateurish tedium.by Laurel7/27/2012 9:25:50 PM 5:25 AM


    Watching it live via streaming. The show is boring…
    Give me some real performance by some real stars.by JG7/27/2012 9:24:44 PM 5:24 AM

    I guess some knowledge of UK history might help a bit… i’m honestly a bit lost so far…by Ocean's X7/27/2012 9:23:54 PM 5:23 AM


    I might be too early to judge but the ceremony I am seeing with all the pop culture music is pretty sad considering this is the OLYMPICS! I am not impressed…yet…sorryby KR7/27/2012 9:22:18 PM 5:22 AM


    This opening ceremony is unbelievably bad. I can’t believe Danny Boyle actually is the mastermind behind this royal mess. totally boring. the only good (kinda) bits are the Queen/Bond and Mr. Bean. The opening is like a travelogue and then we get non-stop music videos. Olympics opening cermont is supposed to be spectacular and grand for the international audience. This has to be worst ever Olympics opening I’ve ever watched. What a huge yawn fest!!


    I am watching a rock concert or what?by Andy7/27/2012 11:04:49 PM 7:04 AM


    Time to go to bed and maybe when I wake up it was just one big nightmare dream…by Anonymous7/27/2012 11:12:48 PM 7:12 AM

    comment by supersubag (U7126766)
    posted 14 Hours Ago
    We'll make this look like a children's party in 4 years time - we're GREAT Britain - you don't hear anyone calling it "Great China" - although they do have that Great Wall...

    4年后的我们或搞成一场小p孩儿狂欢 —— 我们是“大”不列颠,—— 没人把中国叫成“大”中国,即使他们有伟大的长城。
  • TA的每日心情
    2015-5-2 23:29
  • 签到天数: 24 天


    发表于 2012-7-28 16:25 | 显示全部楼层


    发表于 2012-7-28 16:27 | 显示全部楼层


    发表于 2012-7-28 16:28 | 显示全部楼层

    Chris Pinner Excellent and Epic until Sir Paul who spoiled it. We have loads of young talent in the UK.
    41 minutes ago · Like · 1
    Phillip Matthews Please ignore the negative feedback you may get from a minority of people who don't appreciate what the whole opening ceremony represented. I think speak for millions when I say that it was a spectacular triumph that illustrated Britain's past, present and future in a way we should all be proud of
    40 minutes ago · Like · 3
    Hitesh Das Great great great London....
    40 minutes ago · Like
    Elliott Hardy Truly amazing sight magnifecent,just amazing:)
    40 minutes ago · Like
    Razvy Razvi It was amazing!!! Well done...
    40 minutes ago · Like
    Marco Marsh Truly spectacular! GO TEAM GB
    40 minutes ago · Like
    Stephen Edwards Wonderful program and wow on the spectacular fireworks
    40 minutes ago · Like
    San Dra Fie So amazing, Britain I love youuuu!!!
    39 minutes ago · Like
    Jan Ratej Sorry but Beijing was muuuuch better
    39 minutes ago · Like
    Nora Babos Thanks for the great and stylish Opening Ceremony! I enjoyed it VERY MUCH! Congrats London!!!
    38 minutes ago · Like · 1
    Catherine Le Marquand Love it , it was really good, come on GB its your turn now l
    38 minutes ago · Like · 1
    Medick Galestian beautiful
    38 minutes ago · Like
    Denise Schult Fantastic, funny, full of surprises, amazing lighting of the cauldron (only blip was McCartney) - proud to be British and proud of London - many congratulations
    38 minutes ago · Like · 1
    Alka Prasad ooww...finally!
    38 minutes ago · Like
    Rochelle Dayrit wow
    37 minutes ago · Like
    Lesley Layland Great opening ceremony last night well done to all involved.....but please no more Sir Paul McCartney!!!!
    37 minutes ago · Like · 1
    Raziya Rahman hey Devid its amazing.
    36 minutes ago · Like
    Lucy Finlayson Waste of tax payers money... Poor old lady dies in hospital hallway because of no bed due to cut backs, yet we can spend all that money on this....
    36 minutes ago · Like
    Ashique Mancode Ptpm Super.....amazing..and fantastic..
    35 minutes ago · Like
    John Jackson Why there is no history about British establishing colony, and importing and exporting slaves, taking over the whole world in the ceremony????
    34 minutes ago · Like · 2
    Ibrohimjon Nazirov Amazing event I wanted to be there
    33 minutes ago · Like
    Angelou Conde i am so amaze tht been watch in garnd opening
    32 minutes ago · Like
    Angelou Conde congrats london hehehehe
    32 minutes ago · Like
    Eugene van Niekerk I want a T-shirt that reads "Of all the Bond girls, I love The Queen the best."Eugene van Niekerk Olympics 2012.
    31 minutes ago · Like · 1
    David Patching It was amazing so enjoyed last nite and even heard the fireworks from where I live and that's W2 as you know hun. Loved it xxx
    31 minutes ago · Like
    Geet Sudha it was a superb show,loved every bit jaina.when r u all coming here?
    30 minutes ago · Like
    Astrid Gauck absolute fantastic!
    29 minutes ago · Like
    Danielle Lawes Spectacular - thank you so much
    28 minutes ago · Like
    Alexandra Lay Congratulation London! The opening was vabulous. A brilliant show. May piece and friendship will attend the games.
    27 minutes ago · Like
    Amanda Hepton-Patchett Amazing, inspiring and at times hilarious. Quintessentially British and utterly brilliant! Congratulations to all but especially to Danny Boyle for his vision and genius.
    26 minutes ago · Like
    Pavla Stefanska The best Opening Ceremony ever! Loved it!
    25 minutes ago · Like
    Jessica Lynn This was the most amazing ceremony I have ever seen!
    25 minutes ago · Like
    Joan Elliott It's interesting to read the positive comments from around the world, but for me it didn't show the Great in Great Britain ... I'm British and proud to be so, but was not impressed.
    23 minutes ago · Like
    Tania Binett Hear Hear
    18 minutes ago · Like
    Shady Sobhi absolute fantastic Great Britain good luck am from egypt but Ceremony amazing
    18 minutes ago · Like
    Pauline Blake Truely amazing, so proud to be British, who ever thought about asking the Queen for her involement deserves a GOLD Medal11
    17 minutes ago · Like
    Vishnu Vg i loved ur show very much !fabulous omg im speechless :| awsumness defined!! The show absoulutly spectacular \m/ woww
    12 minutes ago · Like
    Thomas Engewicht Wow... what a fantastic show. It was unbelievable. Thank you, London, for this spectacular event.
    12 minutes ago · Like
    Neriza Sumo-ok very impressive! :)
    12 minutes ago · Like
    Izunna Okafor that was the greatest opening ceremony i have ever seen. bravoo to british, bravoo to london.
    12 minutes ago · Like
    Kathleen Mabbs Thought it was absolutely fantastic. Especially liked the petals for each country and how they came together at the end to make up the cauldron. Brilliant. What a dream experience for those young athletes who lit it all up. Well done to everyone involved, you can all hold your heads up high, you did the country proud. !!!
    11 minutes ago · Like
    Tobi Weitzel Fantastic show. Thought HMQ's participation was brilliant.
    10 minutes ago · Like
    Fernando Ponce amazing special,,,
    10 minutes ago · Like
    Indika Silva maxxa operning ceremony...
    I also.wish our srilankan lions
    and other competitors who are
    joining with 2012 london olimpic
    I am frm srilanka..
    9 minutes ago · Like
    Fathima Jawshana lovelyyyyyyyyy
    9 minutes ago · Like
    Abdulrahman Mansouri Terrific
    7 minutes ago · Like
    Forough Peace Amazing
    5 minutes ago · Like
    Leonor Gaviola how i wish i could go there & watch
    5 minutes ago · Like
    Sid Gorz Unbelievable, fantabolous n a ceremony which left everyone speechless with a wow on faces :)
    4 minutes ago · Like
  • TA的每日心情

    2016-10-29 19:45
  • 签到天数: 3 天


     楼主| 发表于 2012-7-28 16:30 | 显示全部楼层
    本帖最后由 默空 于 2012-7-31 14:39 编辑

  • TA的每日心情

    2016-10-29 19:45
  • 签到天数: 3 天


     楼主| 发表于 2012-7-28 16:33 | 显示全部楼层
    逆水漂流 发表于 2012-7-28 16:27


  • TA的每日心情

    2013-6-26 20:27
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    发表于 2012-7-28 16:41 | 显示全部楼层
    英国的太小家子气了,除了自己HIGH以外,外人看的莫名其妙~~~~~~~~~~连哈利波特都出来了。。。。。。。。还搞了个巨大的死婴。。。。。。。。整个背影 阴暗,乌烟瘴气,牛鬼蛇神乱跑,不知道的以为到了地狱呢
  • TA的每日心情
    2018-5-8 18:35
  • 签到天数: 853 天


    发表于 2012-7-28 16:42 | 显示全部楼层
  • TA的每日心情

    2016-10-29 19:45
  • 签到天数: 3 天


     楼主| 发表于 2012-7-28 16:43 | 显示全部楼层
    本帖最后由 默空 于 2012-7-28 16:46 编辑
    英国的太小家子气了,除了自己HIGH以外,外人看的莫名其妙~~~~~~~~~~连哈利波特都出来了。。。。。。。。还搞了个巨大的死婴。。。。。。。。整个背影 阴暗,乌烟瘴气,牛鬼蛇神乱跑,不知道的以为到了地狱呢
    wwwyc 发表于 2012-7-28 16:41

    但是,hey jude一出,感慨万千。


    我认为,奥运会,不应该只是高大全,他应是,真 善 美 。
  • TA的每日心情
    2014-4-29 16:54
  • 签到天数: 2 天


    发表于 2012-7-28 17:08 | 显示全部楼层
    本帖最后由 深夜幽灵 于 2012-7-28 17:12 编辑



  • TA的每日心情
    2014-12-22 07:42
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    发表于 2012-7-28 20:24 | 显示全部楼层


  • TA的每日心情
    2018-9-9 14:46
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    发表于 2012-7-28 22:31 | 显示全部楼层


    俊俏的小罐子 发表于 2012-7-28 20:24

  • TA的每日心情
    2018-9-9 14:46
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    发表于 2012-7-28 22:40 | 显示全部楼层



    发表于 2012-7-29 15:37 | 显示全部楼层
  • TA的每日心情
    2017-6-30 21:43
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    发表于 2012-7-29 16:11 | 显示全部楼层


    发表于 2012-7-29 23:43 | 显示全部楼层
  • TA的每日心情
    2014-2-20 15:10
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    发表于 2012-7-29 23:54 | 显示全部楼层
  • TA的每日心情
    2017-1-2 11:42
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    发表于 2012-7-30 04:57 | 显示全部楼层
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