The most talked about product of the nascent wearable era is available to the general consumer—but only today. Google Glass is a wearable computer with a head-mounted display that lets users take photos and video, search the Web, and use apps. It responds to voice commands.
Typically, users have to be invited to buy the device. But, for today only, it's on sale to the general public for $1,500.
Angel Navarrete | Bloomberg | Getty Images
Why Google Glass may not be ready for prime time
But fans say the eyewear gives them a hands-free way to connect with the world around them, and even has the potential to become their all-in-one device.
"The day when I stop reaching for my phone at all is when it becomes the ultimate device for me. It isn't that much more to get there—a few more apps, a bit better hardware when it comes to the battery. But it's close. Once it gets to that level then you don't have your phone anymore. It replaces it," said Avi Kushlan, a Google Glass user. Up until now, you had to be a so-called explorer to buy it. Potential users are referred to the program by friends. Explorers can pay for the device through Google Wallet—the online payment service—and then show up at a Google campus, where they're wined and dined for an hour with free food and beer as they're taught how to use the device. Google says there are now more than 10,0000 explorers.原标题:外媒记者因佩戴Google Glass在旧金山马路上被扇耳光
外媒记者因佩戴Google Glass在旧金山马路上遭扇耳光 【TechWeb报道】4月14日消息,据国外媒体报道,高科技在美国旧金山民众中可是个容易招惹是非的东西。外媒记者Kyle Russell因戴着Google Glass,在马路上被一名男子扇了一耳光。 Russell称,当晚他正在旧金山教会区的马路上行走,忽然一位男性出现在他的面前,朝他扇了一下耳光并大喊“Glass”,然后将设备从Russell脸上扯下来。Russell立刻追着那个袭击者跑到了另一个街区,但还是让他给逃脱了。 虽然被扇耳光很是恼火,但Russell还是表示理解称:“在这儿,佩戴Google Glass走在马路上真不是个好主意。” 他认为,“这个城里的居民对科技狂热者很反感,我这样昭然若是地走在大街,正好成了他们讨厌的对象。” 据了解,旧金山居民对雅虎大巴吐过口水,而谷歌律师也遭到过当地教师的游行抗议,他们认为谷歌让他们被迫离开了自己的家园。(露天)