本帖最后由 铜雀儿 于 2015-12-1 09:29 编辑
下面是我手里一把“稀土”,钢材是1084,分区热处理,造型、凹磨都像剃刀,真是剃刀般锋利,insanely sharp!刀匠的研磨功夫不俗。给它拍了不少照片,有些重复,也是练习摄影:(本人实拍,引用请注明)
This is a hand-forged "Rare Earth" Higo-No-Kami by Mickael Moing, a traditional Japanese folding utility knife. This knife is insanely sharp, a high hollow grind and differential heat treat with visible hamon that has been stropped to perfection. 4 inch blade with a 9 1/4 inch OAL.
The entire knife including the integral handle is hand-forged out of 1084 steel and during the process Mickael abstractly adds copper and brass to the handle and blade spine which gives it a dazzling one-of -a-kind effect. There is also a decorative rat-tail Tang that is completely concealed neatly inside the handle when open, but when closed it makes a great persuasion/control strike point due to the length, strength and weight of the piece(works as a kubaton).This knife will look amazing even through years of heavy use.