本帖最后由 铜雀儿 于 2016-5-25 09:17 编辑
先来看一篇悼文:2014年3月17日,传奇刀匠 Barry Wood 于美国科罗拉多州去世。
Barry Wood passed away.
It is with great sadness that I relay the announcementthat Barry Wood has passed. Barry passed at around 9:20 PM last night (March17, 2014) in Colorado Springs, CO. Barry is survived by his daughter SicilyIrie and his son James Wood. Sincere sympathies and condolences go out to themat this time.
Barry B. Wood's interest in knives came about, in part, because of his love ofthe sea and sailing. Barry wanted to make a knife that was strong and could beopened with one hand. He was an engineer and his engineering experiencecontributed to both his pattern designs and the designs and refinements of theinteresting opening/closing mechanism that contributed to his notoriety andpopularity. Because of his unique opening/closing mechanism, Barry's kniveshave been referred to by various names, such as "swinglock","swivel knife", "rotating folder", "Wood lock"and others. Barry began making knives in his garage/workshop in Venice, CA,and he began selling knives in 1967. Barry's second shop was also in Venice and his last shop was in Colorado Springs. Barry's interesting foldingknives attracted the attention of the folks at Colt Firearms, who commissionedhim to produce the Colt Tuckaway Folder. Patterned after Barry's Mk.1, the"Tuckaway" remains the most unusual of Colt's knives. The"Tuckaway" was introduced in 1969 and production continued through1978.
Barry was an innovator in the field of knifemaking. He experimented not onlywith pattern designs, but also with various handle and blade materials. I'mpretty sure that Barry Wood and Herman Schneider were the first knifemakers touse 154CM for blades. Barry used various blade materials, including VascoWear,and he also used various materials for handle plates, such as stainless steel,aluminum, Beryllium Copper, Silicon Bronze and Titanium. There exist severalexamples of some very cool knives that resulted form collaborations betweenBarry Wood and Bob Loveless and also between Barry and A.G. Russell. Ifimitation is a form of flattery, it should be noted that several production andlimited production manufacturers have imitated Barry's knife designs ...several nearly to the point of outright counterfeiting. Barry was fortunate tofind a great business partner in his son-in-law Mike Irie. Thanks to Mike, theavailability and popularity of the unique knives increased.
I think that nearly every person who has had a Barry Wood knife will be able torelate one or more stories about them handing their knife to another person andasking them to "open" it. Besides the strength, integrity and beautyof a Barry Wood folder, that singular aspect ... how it opens ... is quiteimpressive. Rest in Peace Mr. Wood.
Last edited by skull; 03-18-2014at 11:01 PM. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------