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TA的每日心情 | 开心 2020-3-3 00:03 |
签到天数: 113 天 [LV.6]常住居民II
本帖最后由 毒九 于 2020-5-5 17:25 编辑
原文和图片来自Knife Rights网站链接,侵删。
Knife Rights has donated Freedom’s Steel™ IV – The Jefferson Bowie, an extraordinary custom knife collaboration,to the National Rifle Association’s Institute for Legislative Action (NRA-ILA) in appreciation for their support of Knife Rights’ legislative efforts in fighting the Second Front in Defense of the Second Amendment™. Freedom’s Steel™ IV was conceived of, and sponsored by, Knife Rights expressly to benefit NRA-ILA. This is the fourth year in a row that Knife Rights has donated a Freedom’s Steel™ knife, raising $66,500 the first three years.
Knife Rights(刀权组织)捐献Freedom’s Steel™ IV(自由之钢四号)——The Jefferson Bowie(杰斐逊博弈),一把了不起的合作定制刀,感谢NRA-ILA(美国步木·仓协会立法研究所)对刀权组织在保护宪法第二修正案的第二战线上奋斗的支持。自由之钢四号由刀权组织构思策划,所有利益归于NRA-ILA。
Freedom’s Steel™ IV – The Jefferson Bowie will be a featured auction item at the NRA-ILA Dinner and Auction to be held at the NRA Annual Meeting in Nashville, Tennessee, the evening of April 10, 2015. Proceeds from the sale of Freedom’s Steel™ IV will support NRA-ILA efforts to defend the Second Amendment.
The body of the blade has 239 layers, one for each year from 1776 to 2015. The pattern in the body the blade has 21 Xs forged into the steel to formally salute our Constitution and the Second Amendment.
The dramatic on-of-a-kind 12.75-inch Damascus blade of Freedom’s Steel™ IV – The Jefferson Bowie was forged by National Living Treasure and American Bladesmith Society Master Bladesmith Jerry Fisk with two distinct patterns to honor our Second Amendment. The pattern on the spine of the blade was first forged with 13 layers of high carbon steel, one layer for each of the original colonies. Fisk then folded that 13-layer billet to 39 layers, the number of the signers of the Constitution. He then twisted the bar to the right (of course) honoring the rights accorded to all Americans that are incorporated into the Bill of Rights.
这把戏剧性的、独一无二的博弈刀由国家活宝、ABS大师Jerry Fisk用两种不同大马锻造合一,以致敬我们的第二修正案。(有点牵强吧……这两种大马合一的做法有点险,搞不好拼贴感太生硬。这把还不错,Cook竹篱博弈也是这种做法)
The histroic wood handle of Freedom’s Steel™ IV – The Jefferson Bowie is made from the wood of the “Jefferson Tulip Poplar” tree. This is from the only tree with provenance as being personally planted by Thomas Jefferson at Monticello. Fisk carved three flutes into the handle to honor Jefferson as our third President, a framer of the Constitution who was a major force and inspiration for the Bill of Rights that includes the Second Amendment.
“[A] bill of rights is what the people are entitled to against every government on earth, general or particular, and what no just government should refuse.”
— Thomas Jefferson, December 20, 1787
This historic tree was felled and salvaged by Historical Woods of America in 2008. The beautiful poplar wood is stabilized to last for generations.
The full guard and ferrule of Freedom’s Steel™ IV – The Jefferson Bowie has been deeply engraved by Master Engraver Jim Small with scrollwork and leaves representing the birth and renewal of the nation. Small added 24K gold inlays to highlight the exquisite engraving.
护手和刀颈由雕刻大师Jim Small深雕涡卷和叶花纹饰,图案代表国家的诞生和复兴。Small添加24K黄金镶嵌,以突显精致的雕刻。
Freedom’s Steel™ IVis presented in a custom-built black walnut display case by Brookfield Case. It features glass on four sides and the top and a document storage drawer.
这把刀在Brookfield Case提供的黑胡桃木定制展示柜中展示。它提供四面及顶部的透明玻璃开窗和文件存放抽屉。
Photography of Freedom’s Steel™ IV – The Jefferson Bowie courtesy of Buddy Thomason.
刀的照片承蒙Buddy Thomason提供。
The Historic Thomas Jefferson Wood Handle
This Tulip Poplar tree is believed to have been planted by Jefferson himself off the Southwest corner of Monticello. Hollow for many years, it finally died in 2008 and was removed in June of that year by Historical Woods of America.
In his Weather Memorandum Book on April 16, 1807, Jefferson noted planting “1. Laurodendron in margin of SW [shrub circle] from the nursery.” This is the exact spot that this Poplar tree was growing. The Thomas Jefferson Foundation believes that this is clear evidence that this tree was the only one on the property that was definitely original and planted personally by Jefferson. Tree dating experts confirm the planting date noted by Jefferson as being appropriate for the estimated age of the tree at its death. For many years it was promoted by the Foundation as “America’s Millennium Landmark Tree.”
在杰斐逊的天气日志中,1807年4月16日这页,他记录栽下了“(从苗圃来的)1. 鹅掌揪在西南边缘(灌木圈)。”这是这棵树生长的确切地点。托马斯杰斐逊基金会认为这明确证明了,这棵树是这个产业里唯一杰斐逊亲手种植、原生的树。树龄专家证实了杰斐逊记录的植树日期,和这棵树死亡时间年龄推断相符。很多年来,基金会都宣传这棵树为“美国千年地标树”。
Engraver: Jim Small
雕刻师:Jim Small
Jim Small was one of the first members of the Knife Makers Guild. He started making knives in 1968 and continues to do so, but on a limited basis. In late 70’s he taught himself to engrave and found that he could make a better living in a shorter amount of time by scratching designs in metal.
Jim Small是美国刀匠公会成员。他1968年开始做刀,但数量很少。
For the first few years he engraved only his own knives. In 1982 Small started engraving other makers knives and from there the engraving business grew to firearms and jewelry.
Small has received numerous accolades, including:
Small 获得了众多荣誉,包括:
Made knives and and engraved his work for four U.S. Presidents, all of which are displayed in their libraries.
Produced Georgia Bi-Centennial Bowie in 1976. 76 were offered and only 29 were made, all registered with the Georgia State Archives along with all the documentation.
In 1982 he produced 12 30-minute programs with Georgia Public Television on How to Build a Custom Knife and The Art in Knifemaking. Small also wrote two study guides to go along with these programs. Eventually these programs were offered nationwide to educational stations for free. Many foreign countries also picked up these programs and he received letters from all over the world.
Small’s knives won Best of Show at the New York Custom Knife Show in 1985 and 1986.
He has donated knives and engraving to a number of private and non-profit organizations, including Duck Unlimited, Quail Unlimited, Turkey Unlimited, National Wildlife Federation, Georgia Wildlife Federation and the Georgia Dept. of Natural Resources for the Game Warden of the Year.
The list goes on and on. After almost 50 years in the business, he hasn’t slowed down.
"The Damascus was made from steel from tower one and two of the trade center and has a sun rise pattern.
The blade has 342 layers, which is a missing man weld [like the missing man formation the Air Force does about a fallen comrade] as there were 343 firemen and policemen that died that day.
The guard and pommel cap are from building two. The ferrule is a two piece ferrule of building one in front and building two on the back side of the ferrule. You can see that there is a separation of coloring.
The handle is from the George Washington Horse Chestnut tree. He planted 13 trees, one for each colony. This was the last tree and it was cut down about the year 2000. This was the tree planted for the Georgia colony. The gold inlay is by maker. The knife is patterned after the recognized National knife, The Bowie knife.
The owner was there the day after the fall of the trade center handing out medicine and helping any way he could. He wanted this as a reminder of that day."
Blade Steel: WTC steel building #2
Blade Length: 11 inches
Handle Material: Horse Chestnut tree that was the last of the 13 that Geo Washington planted
Bolster/Guard: Building one and two of the WTC then color case hardened
Engraver/Scrimshander: maker
Embellishments: 24 kt gold inlays
Warranty: Lifetime of workmanship by Maker to Original Purchaser
Pouch/Sheath: Paul Long Sheath and zippered Pouch