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大家可以下载里面的KENDO MANNUAL.里面非常详细的解释了两种如何绑面的方法.
我可能是语言表达太不行了. 不过这里也有一份可以提供给大家所参考的英文版解释.
不过我相信只有两种绑面的方法. 关东,关西.
长也不能短. 关西要用8尺的就因为它要绑好多层,但是最后要40厘米.所以就一定要用8尺的面绳
Why are there two Methods to Tie the Men Himo?
If you look at the variations in equipment use and procedures for wearing the bogu, the methods used to tie the Men Himo (cords) can be grouped in to two styles. The Himo can be tied by either fastening the Himo to the Men Gane (grill) starting at the top or starting at the bottom. There are variations but generally the bottom style attaches at the 4th metal rung from the bottom and the top style attaches at the center bar with a single piece of leather. There are other possibilities such as using two pieces of leather and attaching from the top most rung.
Because of these two differing styles the Himo can be purchased in two possible lengths. 7 Shaku, about seven feet long (1 shaku = 11.93") for the lower style attachment, or 8 Shaku for the upper style attachement. When you order a new Men protector it will come with 7 Shaku Himo for lower attachment unless you specify otherwise.
The two distinct styles tend to be distributed into the Kanto Region (Eastern, Tokyo side), and Kansai Region (Western, Osaka side) of Japan. Kanto people tend to tie their men starting at the bottom of the Men Gane, and Kansai people from the top. As a side note,it is interesting to learn that the country also breaks electrical service into two regions, with 50 Hz service on the Kanto side and 60 Hz service on the Kansai side.
This difference is usually explained by the influence of two different schools of swordsmanship. The method of tying from the bottom of the Men Gane is attributed to the "Shindo Munen Ryu" (Divine Path to Serenity) sword school, and the method from the top comes from "Hoku Shin Itoh Ryu" (North Star Single Sword) school.
In Kyoto (in Kansai) around 1905, the Dai Nihon Butokukai Budo Senmon Gakko (Imperial Japan Martial Organization's Specialized Budo School) was very influencial in the development and promotion of modern kendo. At the Budo Senmon Gakko many of the instructors were sensei from the Hoku Shin Itoh Ryu style. This is believed to be why the difference follows current geographic boundaries.
Everyone has thier own preferred method of tying the Men so both methods are considererd correct. When the Men is tied from the top it is somewhat stronger due to the 3 strands of himo across the top and 2 strands across the bottom. The lower method results in 2 strands top and 1 strand bottom.
Whichever method is used the final tying should be neat and tiddy with the trailing himo no longer than 40 cm (about 16").



[ 本帖最后由 IssacRu 于 2006-3-1 08:08 编辑 ] |