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- 1214
1) 你把衣櫃裡的衣服全部染成深藍色 / Your dye your entire wardrobe indigo blue
2) 你因腳步不好看受到批評 /You get commented on having ugly feet
3) 你想有五個小孩, 因為你希望能組成一劍道隊 / You want to have 5 kids so you can make a team
4) 你因男/女友遲到而向他/她施以片手突き / you preform your best katate tsuki on your boyfriend when he is late for a date
5) 你因本論壇停頓兩天而出現"斷癮徵狀"/ you developed withdrawal symptoms when macaukendo.org/forum was down for 2 days
6) 你會夢想得到新防具而不會再想有名牌手袋/手表/You no longer dream about Gucci handbags/watchs, instead you dream about new bogu
7) 你會沒有乾淨的內衣褲而不會沒有道服/You may have run out of clean underwear, but your uniform is ready
8)每次和男/女友看電影前你先會"氣合" 看後就"蹲踞" /you kiai before and do sonkyu after a movie with boyfriend
9) 你臉上有一圈因戴"面"而留下的痕跡You have a permanent ring around your face from the Men
10) 你在見到新朋友時會先"攻入"而後"殘心" 來代替握手you apply seme and zanshin for shaking hands with new friends
[ 本帖最后由 胴太貫主人 于 2006-3-20 12:36 编辑 ] |