本帖最后由 铜雀儿 于 2015-3-9 16:36 编辑
This is an organization of the top 25 knife makers in the WORLD! The ONLY way to get into the group is to be SELECTED by the other members of the group - elected by your 'peers'!Once every two years, they meet at a knife show in California . You cannot even just buy a knife there! You MUST enter a lottery at the show, get picked, and only then have the 'right' to bid on a maker's knife!
The Art Knife Invitational is an association of 25 of the world’s most collectible knifemakers. The association is formed for the purpose of creating a one-day show and sale for an invited group of discriminating collectors. The 25 knifemakers that make up the AKI are listed here. This is a closed association of makers. If a maker drops out of this show, a new maker must be voted in by the remaining 24 makers. This is the only way new makers are selected. The competition created within this group causes the creation of some wonderful and innovative knives.
Each of the 25 makers will bring to the show a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 8 knives created especially for this show. Collectors will receive a catalog listing every knife in the show and a price list for each knife. Nothing is pre-sold. The first three hour segment of this show is the “intent to purchase” period where a collector will have the chance to place an “intent to purchase” slip on any knife he/she wishes to buy. At the close of this period the luck-of-the-draw begins. The collector drawn for each knife has the first option to purchase. If a sale does not occur, subsequent drawings are held at 15 minute intervals.
This show is held every two years to allow the makers time to prepare and is limited to 175 buyers. It is a completely hosted day, both food and drink in an elegant atmosphere. The sale portion of the show closes around 2:30 pm and the rest of the day is a hospitality social where collectors and makers can socialize and trade knives. A buffet dinner is served at 7 pm in the hotel.
This show is an excellent opportunity to upgrade your collection or buy a good investment piece or collectible since the emphasis is on more innovative work. Past AKI shows have been the showplace for these makers to unveil new models, new locking mechanisms, new trademarks, one of a kind creations and overall a lot of really creative work.
这个组织的每个成员都可说是大师级的刀匠,比如如雷贯耳的墨兰,无爱 ,lum,吉原义人,John Smith,Michael Walker,Julie Warenski。,...显然是融汇了美国两大刀匠组织的精华。(国外很多高端的艺术家组织都采用这种会员集体票选制度,比如摄影领域最牛逼的马格南图片社也采用这种方式发展新会员,中国迄今为止尚无一名马格南正式会员。)这个组织的创建目的:The association is formed for the purpose of creating a one-day show and sale for an invited group of discriminating collectors.ABS的创建目的是为了教授传承锻造技术,更像一个学校;AKI的目的是最高端的刀具展览和交易,更像一个沙龙。AKI每两年举办一届,为期仅一天,限25名刀匠,每人提供3--8件作品。名单每届更换一次,其中一些刀匠如墨兰 无爱 林...早已不在人世了,迄今只有四个人(瓦伦斯基去世后由其夫人代替)是所有12届AKI的全席成员。对参购买家的数量和水平也有限制,每届只选择175名discriminating collectors,类似于一个顶级刀匠与刀具收藏家的沙龙,管吃管喝管住,能被邀请去做买家是一种荣幸。(希望有国内的刀具收藏家收到过邀请)。
Ron Appleton
Van Barnett
Fred Carter
Jim Ence
Kai Embretsen
Henry Frank
Larry Fuegen
Tim Hancock
Tim Herman
Steve Hoel
Steve Johnson
Dietmar Kressler
Wolfgang Loerchner
Bob Loveless
Steven Rapp
Pierre Reverdy
Stephen Schwarzer
John Smith
Jurgen Steinau
C. Gray Taylor
Dwight Towell
Michael Walker
Julie Warenski
Yoshindo Yoshihara
2013年名单: Ron Appleton
Van Barnett
Fred Carter
Harvey Dean
Rick Eaton
Kai Embretsen
Virgil England
H.H. Frank
Larry Fuegen
Tim Hancock
Ron Lake
Steve Hoel
Steve Johnson
Dietmar Kressler
Wolfgang Loerchner
Jim Merritt
Steven Rapp
Pierre Reverdy
John W. Smith
Jurgen Steinau
C. Gray Taylor
Dwight Towell
Michael Walker
Julie Warenski-Erickson
贴AKI某届成员法国刀匠charles bennica的一些作品,ken onion称许bennica为刀具工业史上最杰出的设计师之一,对他影响颇大。当然价格都是非常惊人的,达到4000美刀以上。
(右下为折刀,左为直刀)使用了他独自设计的独特锁定(被称为 TAIL LOCK,改进的后背锁?类似于ron lake的尾锁但更高级?引用原文“The tail lock is hidden in the rear 'butt', and is depressed by slightly sliding down the top tip of the tail lock.”),下为解剖图: