本帖最后由 铜雀儿 于 2015-9-16 21:15 编辑
拥有一把带“MS”标的大马折子是很多折刀玩家的终极梦想,我也不例外。曾有过ABS最年轻MS大师Josh Smith(19岁成为MS)的一把 彩色大马+乳齿象牙贴片 作品,高端大气上档次,跟俺低调奢华有内涵的追求不符,出掉了。这次得到Raymond L Smith的一把代表款型 Rat tail,非常符合我的标准,发出来大家指教。(不提供下载,准备殉葬的,欢迎截图监督,哈哈。)
http://www.theanvilsedge.com引用介绍: I was born and raised in the Finger Lakes region of Upstate New York. I have worked as a precision machinist for 37 years. I started blacksmithing in 1976 making items for buckskinners. I met knifemaker Billy Watson at a rendezvous in 1988; he was making Damascus and hand forging knives. I was hooked, I quizzed Billy, visited his shop, purchased books and attended seminars. I started making knives in 1989 and sold my first in 1991. I joined the ABS and proceeded toward my Master's certificate, awarded in 1998. I was chosen to make the 1999 Journeyman Smith Knife of the Year. I belong to the ABS, ABANA, and NYS Designer Blacksmiths. I demonstrate my crafts locally and at rendezvous.I prefer to make knives that are functional and that relate to the older patterns. My favorite for steel is 5160; for Damascus 203E, 1095, and 1018. I utilize chain and cable also. I file work most knives. I make Traditional, Roger's Rangers and Pipe Hawks as well as Fort Megs Hatchets (some are available in Damascus). Slip joint folders, in Barlow style, are another favorite. Natural materials are preferred for handles. 简单翻译大概:生于纽约州五指湖区,有37年的机械师经历。1976年接触锻造业,1988年受Billy Watson影响进入刀匠行业,加入ABS协会,曾经拿到ABS刀匠协会最佳JS级大师奖,1998年拿到MS资质,荣誉一堆吧啦吧啦......