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再来一把马刀!可别流口水啊!( 已编辑)



发表于 2009-3-24 23:03 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2009-3-25 01:52 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 cool9574 于 2009-3-24 09:11 AM 发表

“Ancient Persia first emerged as a major military power under Cyrus the Great. Its form of warfare was based on massed infantry in light armor to pin the enemy force whilst cavalry dealt the killing blow. Cavalry was used in huge numbers but it is not known whether they were heavily armored or not. Most Greek sources claim the Persians wore no armor, but we do have an example from Herodotus which claims that an unhorsed cavalryman wore a gold cuirass under his red robes. Chariots were used in the early days but during the later days of the Persian Empire they were surpassed by horsemen. During the Persian Empire's height, they even possessed War elephants from North Africa and distant India. The elite of the Persian Army were the famous Persian Immortals, a 10,000 strong unit of professional soldiers armed with a spear, a sword and a bow. Archers also formed a major component of the Persian Army.

Tactics were simple: Persian commanders simply overran the enemy with massive amounts of infantry and cavalry, while from the rear they would rain arrows down upon the foes in massive volleys. The reason for these massive numbers, were to inspire 'shock and awe'. Hundreds of thousands of soldiers would discourage an enemy and make their surrender almost guaranteed. If the enemy did not surrender, the Persian commander would send in the first wave, which was almost always enough in number to overwhelm any force. If that failed, they sent in the second wave, more troops of higher quality. If that too was unsuccessful, the final wave was sent, spearheaded by the famous Immortals. These tactics were generally successful in the Middle East, but when the Persians started to push into the west, against the Greeks, the light Persian infantry were unable to combat the heavily armored phalanxes of the Greek city-states. A major reason for this was that most Persian weapons were incapable of piercing Greek armor, as the Persians learned at the Battle of Thermopylae.”

--------上述资料出自http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ancient_warfare#Persia 简单讲述了古波斯时期的战术。其中叙事对希腊作战失败的原因是大多数波斯武器无法击穿希腊盔甲。

大量装备于波斯重骑兵的弯刀希腊语叫kopis 属于希腊系女性化名词。波斯的直剑叫Akinakes。但只有波斯王室贵族使用。被大量应用与实战的是这种kopis。
“Greek art, however, does not show the akinakes but rather protrays Persian figures weilding an axe or kopis.
The kopis sword was predominantly a cutting weapon, similar to a machaira, but with a convex cutting edge of the blade, much like the modern Ghurka kukri. Its heavy, curved blade was large enough to make it the ideal weapon for both infantry and cavalry.
Although the kopis was used by the Greeks, the classical Greek weapon was the phasganon/xiphos, a straight-bladed and double-edged. cut-and-thrust sword.”


其中一幅画中有希腊hoplite 对抗波斯战士的情景。希腊士兵用盾牌把波斯战士打倒在地,波斯人正在用弯刀抵挡。


实战中的Kopis长3英尺,是内弧刃弯刀,battle of issus壁画中亚历山大左前方的波斯骑兵拿的就是这种刀。


发表于 2009-3-25 02:01 | 显示全部楼层
cool9574,您提到的cooldstee tulwar应该是1796 light cavalry sabre。lynn thompson 用的1796马刀确实是一种tulwar。对比一下rajputs的tulwar和1796 马刀你可以看出1796 不卡手。cooldsteel广告上特别讲到过1796 的刀柄是特殊改进的更灵活,而且cooldsteel还特殊加长了护手使其大小更适合美国人的手。

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    发表于 2009-3-25 09:00 | 显示全部楼层
    原帖由 150Cr8Mo2V4 于 2009-3-25 02:01 发表
    cool9574,您提到的cooldstee tulwar应该是1796 light cavalry sabre。lynn thompson 用的1796马刀确实是一种tulwar。对比一下rajputs的tulwar和1796 马刀你可以看出1796 不卡手。cooldsteel广告上特别讲到过1796 ...

    这里的视频中就有塔瓦 http://www.warriorsaints.com/media/

    [ 本帖最后由 cool9574 于 2009-3-25 09:21 编辑 ]


    发表于 2009-3-25 17:29 | 显示全部楼层




    这种刀我买过,159美金信用卡买的,说实话身材大一些的美国人手都放不进去,所以价格从$269跌倒$159. 我虽然不是什么高手,但从小吃咸肉喝牛奶长大的,论爆发力同样体重的老黑也很少是我的对手。个人使用感觉是有劲使不上,使劲抡的话手腕卡的生疼。当然我没有短片中那个sikh的剑术,但是无论剑术多么精妙如此手柄设计是很难让剑的劈斩潜力。相比之下1796马刀更容易发力,砍得更猛,刺得更狠。
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    发表于 2009-3-25 18:58 | 显示全部楼层
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    发表于 2009-4-6 00:37 | 显示全部楼层


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    发表于 2009-4-8 23:11 | 显示全部楼层
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