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gogogo 发表于 2012-9-5 12:51 
United States Patent 6,897,363
Inbred maize line PH4CV
An inbred maize line, designated PH4CV, the plants and seeds of inbred maize line PH4CV, methods for producing a maize plant, either inbred or hybrid, produced by crossing the inbred maize line PH4CV with another maize plant, and hybrid maize seeds and plants produced by crossing the inbred line PH4CV with another maize line or plant and to methods for producing a maize plant containing in its genetic material one or more transgenes and to the transgenic maize plants produced by that method. This invention also relates to inbred maize lines derived from inbred maize line PH4CV, to methods for producing other inbred maize lines derived from inbred maize line PH4CV and to the inbred maize lines derived by the use of those methods.
Inventors: Barker; Thomas Charles (York, NE)
Assignee: Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc. (Johnston, IA)
Appl. No.: 10/271,942
Filed: October 15, 2002
Current U.S. Class: 800/320.1 ;435/412; 800/275; 800/278; 800/279; 800/281; 800/298; 800/300.1; 800/301; 800/302; 800/303
Current International Class: A01H 5/10 (20060101); A01H 001/00 ; A01H 004/00 ; A01H 005/00 ; A01H 005/10 ; C12N 015/82
Field of Search: 800/320.1,266,275,278,279,284,298,300.1,301,302,303 435/412
发明人:Barker; Thomas Charles (York, NE)
受托方:Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc. (Johnston, IA)
现有美国类别:800/320.1 ;435/412; 800/275; 800/278; 800/279; 800/281; 800/298; 800/300.1; 800/301; 800/302; 800/303
现有国际类别:A01H 5/10 (20060101); A01H 001/00 ; A01H 004/00 ; A01H 005/00 ; A01H 005/10 ; C12N 015/82
类别号专利涉及范围检索区(Fields of Search): 800/320.1,266,275,278,279,284,298,300.1,301,302,303 435/412
302 Insect resistant plant which is transgenic or mutant:
This subclass is indented under subclass 298. Subject matter wherein the higher plant, seedling, plant seed, or plant part is insect resistant and has been made via a transgenic method or a mutation step.
(1) Note. Transgenic means that new genetic information has become embedded into the germ line of the plant. A mutant plant is one wherein a change in the structure of the genetic material (i.e., the DNA base sequence) of the plant has occurred. Mutations result in heritable alterations in the genotype of the plant.
302 转基因或基因变异的抗虫植物
(1)注:转基因即指在一种植物的基因序列中嵌入新的基因信息。基因变异的植物指某一基因物质结构(如DNA碱基序列)发生改变的植物。突变可导致基因结构改变并可遗传至后代。 PH4CV的类别编号包括“800/302”;在美国专利法的规定中,“302”即指“基因修饰”。长长的专利资料文件显示,PH4CV的开发包括了使用BT和HT转基因技术——这是用于商业化大宗农作物的仅有的两类转基因技术。
美国农业部在核准PH4CV品种的公告中指出,该品种的种植必须遵循“农作物保护法”的要求,例如,种子必须是新的、成分稳定的同代同样品种,未经批准不得使用子代作为种子使用;对转基因作物种植的要求包括“避难所”种植(在种植转基因玉米的农田里用一定比例的农田种植非转基因玉米,通常该比例为20%或更多),必须有农田生态及环境等各方面的跟踪监护。 |